Locomotion Laboratory

Institute of Sports Science

Institute of Sports Science (S1|17)

Magdalenenstr. 27
64283 Darmstadt


Offices and Labs

Offices and Labs (S1|15)

Alexanderstr. 10
64283 Darmstadt


Hochschulstadion (H1|02)

Hochschulstadion (H1|02)

Lichtwiesenweg 3
64287 Darmstadt


Meeting room - S1|15 29

Biomechanics lab - S1|15 30

Gait lab - S1|15 019

Robotics lab - S1|15 0014

Measurement Systems

The treadmill ADAL3D-WR is designed to measure ground reaction forces during human walking and running. In total, it consists of 20 piezo-electric sensors to accurately measure the 3D-force vector and the centre of pressure separately for each side.

The treadmill has two levels of forceplates. The upper level has two plates to seperate vertical forces between the left and the right leg in double stance phase. The lower level (Sensor S1-S4) measures horizontal forces.ADAL Dimensions

The track and field stadium of the TU Darmstadt was renewed in 2013. As a part of the renovation an installation of frames for force plates was included in the 400m running track. Up to 3 Kistler forceplates (9287CA) for 3D force measurements can be integrated into the outdoor track.

In a second installation, a forceplate can be implemented to explore the take-off technique for long jump. Similar to the running track a Kistler force plate with a size of 90 x 60 cm can be used.

For motion capture and to analyze kinematic data we use an infrared camera system from QUALISYS. The cameras record 3D positions of reflective markers placed on the subject. Key components of the system are the Oqus cameras and the Qualisys Track Manager (QTM) software.

Link to the manufacturer: QUALISYS Motion Capture System

To collect electromyographic (EMG) data we use the 16 channel

DELSYS Surface EMG Systems and SensorBagnoli-EMG System from DELSYS. For mobile measurements we utilize a portable EMG data acquisition system, the MyoMonitor from DELSYS. It is capable of recording up to 16 channels (e.g. EMG, joint angles, pressure signals) on board or using a wireless connection to a PC. Here the data can be displayed in real time. Both systems use parallel-bar EMG sensors.

Link to the manufacturer: DELSYS

Fitmate PRO has been designed to improve traditional cardio pulmonary exercise testing and proposes a new approach for measuring oxygen consumption both in clinical and sports exercise applications. Oxygen consumption is measured sampling expired gas averaged over a period of 30 seconds (or longer). A report can be automatically printed by the built-in printer at the end of the test.

Link to the manufacturer: COSMED

The Perturbation platform was designed to do experiments on human movement by disturbing verticaly. The core of this device is a force plate which is mounted on a vertical slider. The forceplate can move under load up to 1 m/s, with accelerations up to 4g. This allows to change the leg length and configuration under load, thus enabling new insights in the mechanisms that are responsible for creating the observed leg function. The system is able to move up and down by 0.2 m initialized by hand or a trigger signal.

It was built as a cooperation project between Kistler, Tetra and the Locomotion Lab.